This moment came in my prayer: “I can’t believe in God. I can only love God.” I felt blessed. Many, if not most, even all, people in the world and in our human history could say that. Now it was my turn.
Belief is out of reach, but love unites everyone. The human race loves even when it cannot believe. One moment of love blesses us to belong with everyone.
Religions must recognise that truth and can never justify violence. Religion is not faith, religion is power, and religion must surrender its power to find and inspire faith. Willingly I surrendered to the truth: anyone/anything that prevents our loving one another is blasphemy and blasphemous controlling religions teach a horrifying lesson. “We want our enemies dead,” say the religious and political powers who choose to kill. They kill in the name of their gods (Mammon, Race, Creed, Colour) to create a world in their own image and likeness.
Look at what human history has done to prevent or destroy justice and love for women, children, the feeble, uneducated, migrants, refugees, homeless, outcasts. Then look at what fearless young and older people do – mugs of nourishing hot drinks, delicious excess food just collected from generous market places, the Street Angels with their smiles and encouraging words and the promise of helping in whatever way possible.
Love is the god to defeat the false gods of Mammon. Love recognises no limits which is why it is infinite and eternal, which is what true believers say of their God. United in being children of love what can we bring to our world in which everyone belongs. Religious and political powers don’t ask that but faithful loving people do.
Jesus’ gospel (“goodnews”)message is eternal: “Love one another as I have loved you. “ Everyone of us can live that truth: the baby in the women at conception, the feeblest in the final moments, the snowflake that weighs enough to finally snap the snow-heavy branch, the embers of love when life has been exhaustingly drained, when the call is understood to be “the compassion of Christ” towards everyone.
Believing in God with my bank balance safe may not survive a crisis, but loving others will never know defeat. Invest in love and admire the good people of all ages who have. “We don’t need God if we have love,” say the loving. “Agreed,” say the believing. Knowing God is love, love is God.
As I finish my letter to you comes news from New Zealand that Fr Michael Hill, an inspiring friend all my life, has died. We joined the Rosminians on the same day and worked in New Zealand together. He was one of my saints.
May God bless us all to be saints to each other,
Fr John
(9th July 2023)
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