
Jesus openly criticised people in towns and villages where he had done many good deeds including performing multiple miracles.
He said, “Woe to you… If the mighty deeds done in your midst had been done in Tyre and Sidon, they would long ago have repented in sackcloth and ashes… [and they] would have continued to this day.”. (Matthew 11:21, 23)
Hearing the word of God is a great gift but if we do not do what Jesus asks, we will not reap the rewards of heaven!
Lord Jesus, through your Holy Spirit, help me to use my gifts and blessings wisely. May all that I do today, be for your greater honour and glory and pleasing to your Father in Heaven.
Prayer: Peace (Pope St John Paul II)
Mary, Queen of Peace,
save us all,
who have so much trust in you,
from wars, hatred and oppression.
Make us all learn to live in peace,
do what is demanded by justice
and respect the rights of every person,
so that peace may be firmly established. Amen.