The three Wise Men followed the star to Bethlehem, “… and going into the stable they saw the Child Jesus with his mother Mary, and falling to their knees they did him homage. Then opening their treasures, they offered Him gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh”. (Mathew 2:8-10)
The three wise men paid homage to the Child Jesus. In contrast, Herod, the then Roman Ruler, wanted to kill Jesus!
To where is the star that I am following taking me? What treasures am I carrying or what treasures will I receive at the end of my personal journey?
Lord Jesus, enlighten me as I travel this world and share with others your great teaching. May the work that I accomplish today become a lasting treasure in your eternal kingdom.
A Prayer – Joy (St Mother Teresa)
I smile, and the world smiles with me.
I laugh, and the world laughs too.
I praise you, dear God, and the world breaks out in song.
For you are the source of my joy,
the wellspring of my love,
the key to my compassion.
Be with me today, tomorrow, and forever,
so that I may bring your joy to all I meet.