
Jesus sometimes criticised the crowds who gathered to hear him preach. Often they expected Him to give signs from heaven or perform miracles. Perhaps, having seen one miracle they wanted another, another and…!
Jesus said to them, “…the Son of Man will be a sign to this generation”. (Luke 11:30)
Interestingly, when we receive a great suggestion from a close friend on how to solve a personal problem, we often have many follow-on questions!
Perhaps we are no different to the crowds who followed Jesus; hoping for more, more and more, please!
Will I trust Jesus today?
Lord Jesus, help me to see only You in my work, words and actions today. You are the joy and purpose of my life.
Prayer: Before A Crucifix
Behold, O Kind and Most Sweet Jesus,
I fall upon my knees in Thy sight,
and with the most fervent desire of my soul,
I pray and beseech Thee
to impress upon my heart
lively sentiments of faith, hope and charity,
with true repentance for my sins,
and a firm desire of amendment.
Whilst with deep affection and grief of soul,
I ponder within myself and mentally contemplate
Thy five most precious wounds,
having before my eyes that which David the prophet spoke,
O Good Jesus: “They have pierced my hands and feet,
they have numbered all my bones”. Amen.