
As Jesus, Peter, James and John were coming down the mountain after the Transfiguration, the disciples asked, “Why then do the experts in the law say that Elijah must come first (Before the Son of God)?”
Jesus answered, “I tell you that Elijah has already come. Then the disciples understood that he was speaking to them about John the Baptist”. (Matthew 17:10, 13)
The prophecy of Elijah’s coming was fulfilled through the coming of John the Baptist; the fulfilment of many other prophecies soon followed, not least, the death and resurrection of Jesus.
Lord Jesus, grant me the wisdom and strength to reach out to those who have yet to hear or believe your Holy Word. Amen.
Prayer: My Life (St Theresa of Lisieux)
My life is but an instant, a passing hour.
My life is but a day that escapes and flies away.
O my God, you know that to love you on earth
– I only have today.
Lord, what does it matter if the future is gloomy?
To pray for tomorrow, O no, I cannot!
Keep my heart pure, cover me with your shadow
– Just for today.
O Divine Pilot, whose hand guides me.
I’m soon to see you on the eternal shore.
Guide my little boat over the stormy waves in peace
– Just for today.