Daily Prayers

Prayer is Love, I want to Love

Sheep Without A Shepherd (3)


Jesus the Spepherd
Who will be our shepherd?

As Jesus travelled from town to village and throughout the countryside, crowds often gathered to listen to his Gospel teachings and seek His miraculous help; healing their sick of diseases and disabilities.

Jesus was often deeply troubled upon meeting the people commenting that they were “bewildered and helpless”.

On one such occasion, Jesus turned to his disciples and remarked “the harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few”. (Matthew 9:35-38)


Today the harvest remains plentiful, troubled souls abound throughout our world, and loyal labourers, Priests and Religious, continue to be few.


Lord Jesus, I pray… guide all priests and religious.
Help them realize that their actions speak louder than any words.
Teach them to use their talents to convey God’s message but to rely above all,
on the promptings of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Prayer: Christian Unity (John Henry Newman)

O Lord Jesus Christ,
when you were about to suffer,
you prayed for your disciples that they might all be one,
as you are in the Father,
and the Father in you.
Look down in pity on the many divisions
among those who profess your faith.
Heal the wounds which the pride of man
and the craft of satan have inflicted on your people.
Break down the walls of separation which divide Christians.
Look with compassion on all souls and bring them together
under the Holy Catholic Church.