
Following Jesus’ death and resurrection, he appeared to many, including his beloved Apostles. When he sat down and ate with Simon Peter, Jesus surprised him by asking the same question three times, “Do you love me?”
Simon had deeply regretted ever denying knowing Jesus and now, emphatically responded that he loved Him.
On the first occasion, Jesus replied, “Feed my lambs;” the second, “Tend my sheep” and finally, “Feed my sheep”. (John 21:15-17)
It is easy to assume that Jesus’ message of feeding, teaching and protecting God’s people, was exclusively for Simon Peter to fulfil.
Trying to argue that my actions don’t influence others or others don’t copy aspects of my behaviour, doesn’t swing it! Like Simon Peter, I am also a Shepherd with the same responsibilities; feeding, teaching and protecting.
Lord Jesus, guide me in new ways to care for my friends, family and all whom I meet today. Together, may we be good shepherds and teachers to each other.
Prayer: Mary
O Most Pure Heart of Mary,
you are full of goodness.
Show us your love.
Let the flame of your heart, O Mary,
descend on all people.
Mary, we love you.
Impress on our hearts, true love,
so that we may long for you.
O Mary, gentle and humble of heart,
remember us in our greatest needs. Amen.