Daily Prayers

Prayer is Love, I want to Love

Private Prayer, The Lord’s Prayer (2)


Wooden cross with the Lord's Prayer written on it.

In Jesus’s daily life, he would often stop what he was doing, find a quiet place and pray. The curious disciples, seeing this, asked him how to pray. Jesus responded with the still world famous ‘Lord’s Prayer;’ that was 2000 years ago.


The Lord’s Prayer was a confidential talk-line between Jesus and his Father in Heaven. Today, the same confidential line exists between ourselves and our Heavenly Father but we have to make the first move!

No such complications as text, twitter, Skype, Viber… involved, just pray quietly from your heart. God is listening.


Lord Jesus, in reciting your prayer, I seek your guidance and your forgiveness, as I forgive those who hurt me and live in the hope that one day, I will share a place in your Kingdom.

Prayer: The Sick

Lord Jesus Christ,
you bore our sufferings and carried our sorrows.
In order to show us clearly,
the value of human weakness and patience,
graciously hear our prayers for the sick.
Grant that those who are weighed down,
with pain and other afflictions of illness,
may realise that they are among the chosen ones,
whom you call blessed.
Help them to understand,
that they are united with you in your sufferings,
for the salvation of the world. Amen.