Jesus stood in a boat and preached to a crowd gathered at the water’s edge. When He had finished, He asked Simon to cast his fishing net out into the deep.
At first, Simon was hesitant since he had been fishing all night and caught nothing. However, having done so, his catch was so huge that his net was at breaking point.
When he came ashore, Simon fell on his knees at Jesus’ feet saying, “Go away from me Lord for I am a sinful man”. (Luke 5:8)
Initially, Simon thought what a waste of time and energy! However, with such a great catch, he embarrassingly realised his doubts in Jesus were very greatly misplaced and he was not worthy of any connection to Him.
How often do I doubt Jesus’ daily work in me? And what about the times I think I am doing my work all by myself!
Lord Jesus, as I go about my daily work, may I relish doing as you ask. Holy Spirit, through the power of your grace, guide and protect me.
Prayer: Priests and Religious
St Paul, great convert and Apostle,
guide all priests and religious.
Help them realise that their actions
speak louder than any words.
Teach them to use their talents
to convey God’s message
but, to rely above all,
on the promptings of the Holy Spirit. Amen.