Jesus openly criticised those whom he deemed hypocrites. On one occasion he said to a gathered crowd, “Woe to you scribes and Pharisees … You keep locking people out of the Kingdom of heaven! You do not enter yourselves nor do you allow entrance to those trying to enter”. (Matthew 23:13)
Before you preach, test what you want to say on yourself; your message may become much more meaningful!
Or ask yourself if your preaching brings people closer to you for personal gain, rather than closer to Jesus!
Lord Jesus, help me to guard against self-hypocrisy. May everything that I say and do to others today, inspire them to seek out the narrow door to your Kingdom of Heaven. This I ask through your Blessed Mother Mary.
Prayer: Renewal
Lord Jesus,
give us humility wherever pride reigns,
pardon wherever offence abides,
grace wherever sin abounds;
we pray to you;
Jesus Christ, risen Lord, have mercy on us. Amen.