When an unclean spirit rebuked Jesus saying, “Leave us alone, Jesus the Nazarene,” Jesus replied, “Silence, come out of him” and the demon, throwing the man to the ground, left him.
Onlookers were amazed. (Luke 4:34a, 35a)
Today, Jesus will continue to work many more miracles here on earth. Often, we don’t notice or perhaps, notice but don’t give thanks!
Lord Jesus, you guide me in all my ways.
May I forever seek you in my work, among your people and across your beautiful universe. This I ask through the intercession of your Holy Spirit. Amen.
Prayer: Priests and Religious (Cardinal Joseph Bernadin)
Lord of the harvest,
your Word finds a home in our heart,
calls us into community,
and invites us to generous service of the human family.
Bless with courage and spirit your priestly people,
called to full participation in the one Body of Christ.
May many choose to respond in public service
to your call offered in Jesus’ name. Amen.