When a paralytic was brought to Jesus He asked the crowd, “Which is easier, to say to a paralytic, your sins are forgiven, or…, stand up, take your stretcher, and walk?”
To show them that He was truly the Son of God, he did both saying, “Your sins are forgiven … I tell you, stand up, take your stretcher, and go home”. Immediately the man stood up and began praising Jesus. (Mark 2:9,11)
Loving Jesus, above all, open my eyes to my past sins.
Lord Jesus, thank you for your great kindness. Forgive me as I forgive all who have sinned against me and deliver me from everything that is evil.
Prayer – Faith (Arjuna – 8th Century)
Supreme God, your light is brighter than the sun,
your purity whiter than mountain snow,
you are present wherever I go.
All people of wisdom praise you.
So I too put faith in all your words,
knowing that everything you teach is true.
Neither the angels in heaven or the demons in hell
can know the perfection of your wisdom,
for it is beyond all understanding.
Only your Spirit knows you;
only you can know your true self.
You are the source of all being,
the power of all power,
the rule of all creatures.
So, you alone understand what you are.
In your mercy, reveal to me all that I need to know,
In order to find peace and joy.
Tell me the truths that are necessary for the world in which I live.
Show me how I can meditate upon you,
learning from you the wisdom that I need.
I am never tired of hearing you,
because your words bring life.