
After Simon Peter and the disciples examined Jesus’ empty tomb, they left, but Mary Magdalene remained outside weeping.
As she bent down to look inside the tomb she saw two angels who asked her, “Woman why are you weeping? Mary replied, they have taken my Lord away and I don’t know where they have put him! When she had said this, she turned around and saw Jesus standing there…” (John 20:13-14)
How overwhelmed Mary Magdalene must have been!
She witnessed Jesus being crucified, his death and his burial, yet now she was standing at his tomb; it was empty but then, suddenly, Jesus appeared beside her.
Lord Jesus, may I never doubt You and may I never cease to share the great joy of your resurrection to all whom I meet.
Prayer: Vocations (Cardinal Joseph Bernadin)
Lord of the harvest,
your Word finds a home in our heart,
calls us into community,
and invites us to generous service of the human family.
Bless with courage and spirit your priestly people,
called to full participation in the one Body of Christ.
May many choose to respond in public service
to your call offered in Jesus’ name. Amen.