
Jesus said, “Do to others whatever you would have them do to you”. (Matthew 7:12)
This is a well-known Biblical quotation and generally accepted by religious and non-religious people alike.
However, it’s often ignored; in the family, at work and in society! Why?
Lord Jesus, I place my complete trust in you. Help me to always treat others with respect regardless of how they see or treat me.
Prayer: Transform Me
O my Divine Saviour, transform me into yourself.
May my hands be the hands of Jesus.
May my tongue be the tongue of Jesus,
Grant that every faculty of my body may serve only to glorify you.
Above all, transform my soul and all its powers,
so that my memory, my will and my affections
may be the memory, the will and the affections of Jesus.
I pray you to destroy in me all that is not you.
Grant that I may live but in you and for you,
and that I may truly say with St. Paul:
“I live, now not I, but Christ lives in me”. (Gal 2:20)