
When Jesus saw a woman bent-over and unable to straighten her back in the synagogue, he called her to him and said, “Woman, you are freed from your infirmity.”
Jesus then placed his hands on her, “and immediately she straightened up and praised God”.
The synagogue leader was “indignant” with rage because Jesus had chosen the Sabbath to heal the woman. (Luke 13: 10-17)
Jewish rules, at that time, were rigorously applied, no “working” on the Sabbath. However, I wonder, if the synagogue leader had possessed miraculous powers like Jesus, would the day of the week for using them have mattered to him!
Do good, always!
Lord Jesus, guide me in your loving ways, help me to see others needs more clearly and grant me the courage to act wherever I can make a worthwhile difference. Amen.
Prayer: Comfort in Afflictions
May Jesus comfort you
in all your afflictions.
May He sustain you in dangers,
watch over you always with His grace,
and indicate the safe path
that leads to eternal salvation.
And may He render you
always dearer to His Divine Heart
and always more worthy of paradise. Amen