
When Jesus discovered that the Pharisees were plotting against Him, He took his disciples and withdrew from the Capernaum region to the Sea of Galilee and “sternly warned [his disciples] not to make Him known”. However, “Great crowds followed Him, and He healed them all”. (Matthew 12:15)
This was the first reference to the Pharisees plotting against Jesus and it was relatively early in His ministry! Yet, Jesus was not deserted by the common people, multitudes followed and many others joined Him later to hear his teachings and be healed.
Lord Jesus, I pray for those trapped in a home or community that restricts their religious freedom. Open the hearts of their leaders to allow them the right of conscience and the pursuit of eternal happiness through your Gospel.
Prayer: Blessed Virgin Mary
O Most Pure Heart of Mary,
you are full of goodness.
Show us your love.
Let the flame of your heart, O Mary,
descend on all people.
Mary, we love you.
Impress on our hearts, true love,
so that we may long for you.
O Mary, gentle and humble of heart,
remember us in our greatest needs. Amen.