An Angel appeared to Joseph in a dream and said, “Get up, take the child and his mother and flee to Egypt, and stay there until I tell you, for Herod is going to look for the child to kill him”. (Matthew 2:13)
Joseph did as he was told and stayed there until Herod died.
Herod’s murdered children are often referred to as the first Christian martyrs.
Sadly, since then countless others have been murdered by Presidents, Kings, Leaders, parents… through war, disease, hunger, neglect and abortion!
Lord Jesus, thank you for the gift of my life. Accept my humble prayer of sorrow for the many innocents cruelly taken. Open the hearts of those who devalue and destroy your unique creation.
Prayer: Working (Jacob Boehme)
Give me, dear Lord, a pure heart and a wise mind,
that I may carry out my work according to your will.
Save me from all false desires,
from pride, greed, envy and anger,
and let me accept joyfully every task you set before me.
Let me seek to serve the poor
the sad and those unable to work.
Help me to discern honestly my own gifts
that I may do the things of which I am capable,
and happily and humbly leave the rest to others.
Above all, remind me constantly that I have nothing except what you give me,
and can do nothing except what you enable me to do.