
When Jesus asked a man to follow him, he replied, “First let me say goodbye to my family”.
Jesus replied, “No one who puts his hand to the [plough] and looks back is fit for the kingdom of God”. (Luke 9:61-62)
How often have I looked back or delayed my plans until tomorrow?
Perhaps Jesus’ message could be read as follows: if I cannot put Him first today, why should He bother putting me first tomorrow?
Lord Jesus, you invite me to follow you and you carry my burden when I am overladen. Help me to place my undivided trust in you and do only your work. Thank You, Jesus.
Prayer: Temptation (St Alphonsus)
Mary, my Mother,
your love for us could not be greater or more powerful.
You are rich in love and your power brings us relief.
You want everyone to be saved.
I beg you, therefore, protect me in temptation and strengthen me when I weaken.
I struggle daily to be faithful to your Son.
Help me, my Mother, at every moment.
But above all, take me by the hand when you see that I am weakening and about to fall.
I will have to battle with temptation until the day I die.
My Lady, you are my hope, my refuge, my strength, never let me lose the grace of God.
In every temptation, I resolve to turn to you at once and pray; Mary, help me.