Jesus, teach me how to pray,
Send distractions far away,
Suffer not my thoughts to stray,
Sweet holy Child.
Let me not be rude or wild,
Make me humble, meek, and mild,
Pure as angels undefiled,
Sweet holy Child.

When I work or when I play,
Be Thou with me through the day,
Teach me what to do and say,
Sweet holy Child.
Make me love Thy Mother blest,
Safe beneath her care to rest,
As a bird within its nest,
Sweet holy Child.
When the hour of death is nigh,
Then may Mary standing by
Take me in her arms to die,
Sweet holy Child.
So through all eternity,
Will I bless their charity,
Who first led my steps to Thee,
Sweet holy Child.
∼ I Love You, Holy Child, ∼