Act of Spiritual Communion

As I cannot this day enjoy the happiness of assisting at the Holy Mysteries, O my God, I transport myself in spirit at the foot of Your altar. I unite with the Church which by the hands of the Priest, offers You Your adorable Son in the Holy Sacrifice. I offer myself with Him, by Him and in His Name. I adore, I praise and thank You, imploring your mercy, invoking your assistance and presenting You the homage I owe You as my Creator, the love due to You as my Saviour.
Apply to my soul, I beseech You, O Merciful Jesus, Your infinite merits; apply them also to those for whom I particularly wish to pray. I desire to communicate spiritually, that Your Blood may purify, Your Flesh strengthen, and Your Spirit sanctify me. May I never forget that You, my divine Redeemer, died for me; may I die to all that is not You, that hereafter I may live eternally with You. Amen.
Mary, O Lady

Run, hasten, O Lady,
and in your mercy help your sinful servant,
who calls upon you,
and deliver them from the hands of the enemy.
Who will not sigh to you?
We sigh with love and grief,
for we are oppressed on every side.
How can we do other than sigh to you,
O solace of the miserable,
refuge of outcasts,
ransom of captives?
We are certain that when you see our miseries,
your compassion will hasten to relieve us.
O our Sovereign Lady and our Advocate,
commend us to your Son.
Grant, O blessed one,
by the grace which you have merited,
that he who through you
was graciously pleased to become a partaker
of our infirmity and misery,
may also through your intercession,
make us partakers of his happiness and glory. Amen.
(By St Bernard of Clairvaux)
… St Bernard, Pray for Us …