A Blessing – by St Columbanus

Lord, may everything we do this day begin with Your blessing and continue with Your help.
May everything we say this day begin with Your love and continue with Your grace.
May everything we plan this day begin with Your inspiration and continue with Your peace.
So that throughout our lives all that we begin in You may by You be happily ended, and all that we seek through You may be lovingly attended. Amen
Merciful God – by St Columbanus

I beseech you, merciful God, to allow me to drink from the stream that flows from your fountain of life. May I taste the sweet beauty of its waters, which spring from the very depths of your truth.
O Lord, you are that fountain from which I desire with all my heart to drink. Give me, Lord Jesus, this water that it may quench the burning spiritual thirst within my soul, and purify me from all sin.
I know, King of Glory, that I am asking from you a great gift, but you give to your faithful people without counting the cost, and you promise even greater things in the future. Indeed, nothing is greater than yourself, and you have given yourself to mankind on the cross.
Therefore, in praying for the waters of life, I am praying that you, the source of those waters, will give yourself to me. You are my light, my salvation, my food, my drink, my God. Amen.
Kindle Our Lamps – by St Columbanus
Lord, kindle our lamps, Saviour most dear to us, that we may always shine in your presence and always receive light from you, the Light Perpetual, so that our own personal darkness may be overcome, and the world’s darkness driven from us. Amen. (Sermon 12)
Prayer For Foreign Missions

O Blessed Columbanus, who in your zeal for the spread of Christ’s Kingdom and the salvation of souls, spent your life in suffering and exile, assist and protect, we humbly implore, the missionaries of today who have devoted their life to preaching Jesus’ Gospel throughout the world.
Obtain for them, we beseech you, that prudence and fortitude by which you overcame the dangers which beset your path, and that firm faith and ardent charity which enabled you to gladly endure the hardships of this life, for the love of Christ.
Assist and protect us also, dear St Columbanus, so to live for God’s glory, that, when our pilgrimage through life is over, we may enjoy with you the eternal rest of heaven through Christ our Lord.