Lord Jesus, look kindly on my work and the work of my friends today.
Help us in our difficulties and decisions.
May this candle be a light for you to enlighten me. May it be a fire for you to burn out of me all pride, selfishness and impurity. May it be a flame for you to bring warmth into my heart; warmth towards my family, my neighbours and all whom I meet.
~~~ ~~~ ~~~
Jesus, through the hands of Mary, Virgin and Mother, I place in your care, this, my special intention… (Share your request…)
By sharing this candle, I wish to give you something of myself; the love in my heart.
Jesus, help me to live close to you in prayer today.
… Thank You, Jesus. Amen. …
Prayer Request Box
Note: Prayer intentions of site users, are automatically included in our Daily Novena and regular Masses.
To submit a written request, turn it into a prayer for our Prayer Group, “I pray …“, using the “Leave a Reply” box below. (Max of 25 Words. Next day publication.)
Ideas: 100 Things to Pray for…
Recent Requests:
I pray for peace, not war, throughout our beautiful world. Lord, guide us to a better way of life, one in which we give more and take less, love more and hate less. Amen
Praying for N to return to L or lord removes him if reconciliation is not your will asap
Praying for gabby at sxhool may she be blessed with favor and good friends and be successful in her classes
I pray conversion for N , conviction to soften his heart for Li removal of L and R and sinful acts from his life and restoration to his family circle
I pray for AS,BP and all my friends.
We pray for our happy marriage, good health and fertility. May you grant us children and perseverance as your servant.
I pray for help healing guidance and protection for my family and all we encounter. For mercy and peace. For the sick and dying. For the holy souls in purgatory. For Our Lady on this special day. Amen.
God Almighty, have mercy on my family and friends especially those who are deceased. Amen.
May all whom I meet today be friendly and welcoming as ,I pray, I will be to them. Lord hear my prayer.
I pray for the happy repose of the souls of PB and PC. May they Rest In Peace with the Holy Family.
For my loved ones, I pray. For those whom I have hurt, the people I loved and my ever-stressed family and friends. God Almighty, support them and grant them your grace. Amen.
Whatever your troubles or joys may be today, I ask God to bless them with His special grace and embrace those who look towards Him. Amen
I pray for the guidance and blessings for me and my family.Amen
I pray for the tired and weary. Grant to them the strength to do your will, follow your ways and maintain an active and healthy lifestyle. Amen.
I pray for the eternal happiness of my sister and brother who died unexpectedly. Lord Jesus have mercy upon their souls. Amen
I pray for the migrant deaths today in the channel, the many killed by Russian missiles in Ukraine and the many other victims of intolerance, wars andopression. Have mercy on them my God.
Prayer request In all teu deum to the Trinity in its ALL and blessed mother Mary with the communion of saints and angels. For my mom in her all and siblings and sister in law and nephews, niece and us 22+ and in all health etc.. IN JESUS NAME.
I pray for people to stop being so angry. I pray for myself for charges not to be pressed for something I did not do. Pray for the angry lady .
I am going back to school today. Pray for me. Guide and care for me Jesus,. Amen.
Lord, guide and protect our children as they return to school this week after the summer holidays. Lift their spirits when they are stressed and keep them safe forever.
For those who lack shelter or food, I pray God our Father, help them in their distress. Amen.
Cameron had colonoscopy done – results may be good.
Ralph A. had procedure done to remove water from his lungs. After 2 days improvement noted. May he have no problem with urination and foley be removed.
Thank you for prayers and thank you Padre Pio -
Bobby – recently diagnosed with Colon cancer 3rd. stage = getting radiation and taking chemo pill. That he may also stop drinking.
Elizabeth (his sister) healing from life threating symptoms – now on trial injection – Injection may be effective ad no side effects from it,
I pray for Hungary, Bp,my village,for peace,for good results in US-elections,for B,P,Z,B,L,K,S,L,M,W,N,L,R,N,H,F,for my family,for politicians in Hungary,USA,EU,NATO,Russia,Ukraine,Middle-East,for drivers,bikers,pedestrians,for safe driving
I ask God to comfort and heal the lonely, depressed, sick, alone and all in need, today. God Our Father, you alone are the most powerful, have mercy on them.
I pray to the Holy Trinity, our Blessed Mother Mary, all Celestial Court and our Guardian Angels. I ask them to intercede for following:
For C-SEMP-H Conversion, Spiritualty, Emotional, Mental and Physical Healing for my children, grandchildren, son-in-law and all other family members. For the Holy Souls in Purgatory. Thank you for praying and intercession. -
I pray Lord Jesus, thank you for the health of CL. Continue to help her Lord Jesus. Amen.
Please bless and pray for my husband that he passes his NCLEX test exam with flying colors. This will be his 2nd take. Please pray and bless my mother that she will always be safe at home.
I pray for the return of those who have been away from the Church and conversions of others. Most especially for my children and grandchildren.
I pray for the men… all men to stop killing and abused women and god’s loving boys and girls children all over the world.
In Jesus Name ,I pray . -
I pray for the strength to fulfill my works. I am tired and weary, enthuse me with your blessings and grace, my God. Amen.
Jesus, bless and protect CL in her distress. Keep her safe. Relieve her pain. Strengthen her family and friends. Thank you, my Saviour.
I pray for safety at my work today. the work is dangerous for all involved. Keep us safe Lord.
Pray for my son Mario health and peace. To have positive thoughts .
Prego in memoria dei miei cari defunti papà Antonio, mamma Angela, nonno Francesco e zio Michele
My God, remove my anger and bitterness towards my neighbour. Help me to find a way to smile with them despite the hurt.
I pray for a return to my good health. Lord, hear my prayer. Amen
For peace and religious unity. To enlighten and guide all the leaders of our world, nation and community For the Pope and all Catholics. For our near and dear ones. For our spiritual and temporal wants. For good health and long life. That we may go to Heaven when we die. For success in work and studies. For a happy married life for my daughter and for the good health of her son and parents. For the souls of our dear departed. Thanksgiving for favours received.
I pray for all victims of crime. May they find ways to love again. Not to live a life of fear that it will all happen again.
I pray we are saved from the storms this time. Keep us safe and together. Amen.
I pray for my brothers and sisters, my mother and father. I love you my God; Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
I pray for the conversion of Wolu to become Catholic
I pray for increase in faith for my entire family through the intercession of st Rose of Lima and mother Mary . Amen -
I pray for all the tests I have done today to rule out possible blood disorders. Thank you for your prayers. C
Lord I pray that you please enable me to pass my exam that I sat for on 29th July 2024 so that I could graduate from my community health course this year.
I pray a conversion for Neil
I pray removal of L from his life of sin
I pray removal of him from R
I pray reconciliation of his family GLAnd him -
For those who will struggle today, I pray. May the hungry find food, the oppressed peace, the sick healing and the dying eternal happiness. This I ask, in your name, Jesus.
Lord, I pray, cleanse my thoughts and intentions of all anger and resentment towards others. Heal me and sow a little more love in my heart. Amen.
I pray for God’s guidance in my work today. My work often seems unimportant but, in the end, it probably helps someone, yet unknown.
I thank Almighty Father for the joy of the recent Olympics. May all involved come to know that they are loved by God.
I Pray for all victims of family violence, mental and physical. Have mercy on them my God.
May the souls of D, B, P, B and all my family rest in peace. St Roch, pray for them.
I pray for the eternal happiness of the five motorcyclists killed within hours of each other at the weekend. Bring comfort and strength to their families, Lord.
I pray for Gabby to have a blessed year at school for good friends and her tummy to not hurt I’m pray GS and her and she does not feel dis included.
I pray for N conversion pray for lmp to be removed from n life for his to leave R and to be reunited with his family in Jesus name
I pray that the many corrupt world leaders turn to ways of respect, honour and love for the people they serve. Take people from their poverty and stop corruption.
May my Priest receieve the blessings of Mary, Joseph and Jesus today giving him the strength to be a great Apostle. Amen.
I pray for an end to all wars and acts of aggression. I pray also for the hungry and oppressed. May people come to live in peace.
Please pray for AN. May she make a quick recovery and be returned safely to her loving family who miss her so much. Mary, Queen of Heaven, pray for her and all suffering families.
Financial miracle to pay my property taxes so I don’t lose my home. Get a furnace so I have heat and make emergency repairs on my home.
I pray for the souls of my mother and father and all my relatives and friends. May they rest in peace. Mary Help of Christians,pray for them.
Lord, I pray. Help my husband and children make the right choices this week as they visit their friends. Thank you.
We all get settled affordable housing; the needs of families friends… relatives… pray for God the Creator of Heaven & Earth to surround us with his all encompassing compassionate healing love; for… families, myself, all children grandchildren grandparents aunts uncles cousins friends all who have no one to pray for… for those called home by God for the souls in Purgatory to be released to Heaven deceased family members… relatives friends… For everyone to be drawn closer to our Creator His Son in Jesus’ precious Name.Amen Thank you all.
Holy Mary, fix deeply in my heart the wounds of Jesus, Crucified. Lord spare us, I pray. Amen.
On this day, the feast of the Assumption of Mary to Heaven, I thank her for all the blessings she has helped to obtain for my family, friends and self. Thank you Mary for your prayers.
Blessed Virgin Mary, assumed into heaven, pray for us today and forever. Amen.
I pray for the healing of the venous malformation in my son’s throat.
I pray for the repose of the soul of Janet, a dear friend and fellow parishioner. May she rest in peace in the presence of our lord and saviour, Jesus Christ. Amen
May Pat’s soul be at peace with his maker, family and friends. Rest in peace.
Jesus have mercy on me
Glory to You, one God and Saviour to his people, the people He created, Glory to You forever.
May those who wake and sleep to hunger, war and oppression find God’s grace and blessing awaiting them. God, just for one day. Amen.
God have mercy on the souls of my relatives and friends, my mother and father, the people I have known and loved. Have mercy on all I have hurt.
I pray my neighbour will ry to understand our difficulties and help. Lord, hear my prayer.
I pray for my acceptance to the BSN program at University of Texas at Arlington. It is for the Spring 2025 program and the decision is sent out by September, 2024.
I pray for all the people killed in the Brazil air disaster and their suffering families. May God console all.
I pray my son will be safe from the harmful attractions in society and grow up to respect everyone.
For the many people struggling to survive in our world; through lack of education, mental health, unemployment, illness… Lord have mercy, I pray.
I pray for my sore back to be healed.
I also pray for financial freedom -
I Pray to St. Maria Goretti to Uphold in Prayer Don… and his Beloved Son Drew who was killed (RIP)… I plead for Almighty God to Bless, Guide, Lead, Unite , Strengthen ,Aid, Prosper ,Uphold ,Safeguard… Amen.
I Pray to Almighty God to Ensure… support and peace. Amen.
I Pray this in Holy Christian Faith, Amen.
Yours in Christ Jesus.
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