Lord Jesus, look kindly on my work and the work of my friends today.

Help us in our difficulties and decisions.
May this candle be a light for you to enlighten me. May it be a fire for you to burn out of me all pride, selfishness and impurity. May it be a flame for you to bring warmth into my heart; warmth towards my family, my neighbours and all whom I meet.
~~~ ~~~ ~~~
Jesus, through the hands of Mary, Virgin and Mother, I place in your care, this, my special intentionโฆ (Share your requestโฆ)
By sharing this candle, I wish to give you something of myself; the love in my heart.
Jesus, help me to live close to you in prayer today.
โฆ Thank You, Jesus. Amen. โฆ
Prayer Request Box
Note: Prayer intentions of site users, are automatically included in our Daily Novena and regular Masses.
To submit a written request, turn it into a prayer for our Prayer Group, “I pray …“, using the โLeave a Reply” box below. (Max of 25 Words. Next day publication.)
Ideas: 100 Things to Pray for…
Recent Requests:
I pray for GY and EIH. Bless them in their life and guide them to eternal happiness.
Lord, I pray to you. Protect Chloe today as she undergoes multiple hospital tests. Be her angel of love. Amen
Please Pray for Healing for Ike, Margaret (depression), Dominik. Anita and family, Hip, Rose, Clare, Diane, Eleanor, Paul, Kathy, Norma, Bruce, Bill, Misty, Julie, Joy, John. Karen, Ken, Amie, Nancy, Grace, Bart, Rick, Cathy all of our Friends, and myself our country. Special intention Mike, Micha, Jill, Cathy, Hunter, Anita
I pray for losing my depression and finding a safe home that is affordable near my parish
Dear St. Maria Goretti, please Pray to Almighty God to at once end the Evil Of Rape & Sexual Abuse Globally,Amen.
Thank you my God for the help you gave to me and my family this week. May I forever remember your blessings.
I pray for my son who is addicted to drugs and has been for years. I pray for his recovery and his children that heโs never cared about and hasnโt been in their lives because of his addiction. I pray for my daughter and all my grandchildren to come back to the church.
Have mercy Lord Jesus, on the soul of Marion whom you have called from this life. May she rest in peace.
I pray that Philip, Marie, Lisa, Trish, and David , Morris, Conor, Florence and Tom and Eileen are fully converted, and their Names on the book of Life. Thank U J& M
I pray for Harry and his friends as they sit their final Uni examinations. St Christopher keep them in your loving care. Keep them safe.
Lord have mercy on all sinners today. May they come to understand that you are mercy and waiting for their return to your ways.
I pray for the young people around me. May they grow up in happiness; an education, job and healthy life while singing the praises of Jesus Christ.
Why do I have to die Lord, leave my family and friends. Why can’t I stay.; we love each other so much. Help me understand.
I pray for Joseph. Lord Jesus, hear my prayer.
Please pray for me. I’m unhappy at my job. The school district and the State of Texas hate libraries, apparently. My school library cannot stay open. I need to pray that I find another job, please.
May the souls of P&BD and all my family rest in peace in heaven for all eternity. Amen
St Catherine, on this your Feastday, help the poor and those in great need throughout the world. Ask Jesus to intercede and bring hope to their lives. Thank you St Catherine. Thank you Jesus.
Lord Jesus, help all who are depressed and housebound. Take them into your loving care and grant them peace of heart. Amen.
I pray my worries will all go away. Bring peace to my heart and family. Amen
I pray to St. Faustina to beseech our Lord and Savour Jesus Christ to forgive all sins committed by me, during my lifetime, anoint me with His Holy Spirit and give me Salvation through His passion and death joined with the sacrifices made by St. Faustina for salvation of souls.
I pray for our Church, Pope Francis and all Priests and Religious. May they unite in Christ’s Gospel teachings.
Lord Jesus, in your name I ask of your Father, the graces and blessings that will keep CM in good health and enjoyment. Have mercy Jesus. Amen.
I pray for all migrants especially those who are in great danger in their home country. Open the hearts of others who can help, Lord. Amen.
I pray that world leaders will eradicate poverty in their home countries and stop their endless plans to miitarise their people.
I pray for spiritual healing to all those going through hard times especially financially help to support themselves and others.
I Pray for my children to come back to the Catholic Church and Praise Our Lord and God Jesus and Our Heavenly Mother Mary and St .Joseph and all the Saints.
I pray for love in every home, family, country and the whole world. Jesus, Mary and Joseph pray for us.
Please pray for the soul of Briege. May she Rest In Peace. May her family come together in praise of Jesus and the Immaculate heart of Mary. Amen
Lord Jesus, shower your blessings on my daughter and husbnd-to-be this weekend at their marriage sermony. May they love each other forever and ever.
I pray for those who lost their lives in the English Channel migrant boat disaster. Lord have mercy on them all.
I pray that my past mistakes be forgiven and new opportunities open up for my progress and well being .
May my children be blessed with a happy home, good education, successful jobs and, most of all, the lifetime blessings of Jesus Christ. Amen.
I pray for my family and friends that they will one day see God surrounded by all the faithfully departed.
I pray for all who are mourning the loss of a friend or relative. May they find that the love of Jesus is with them. Amen.
Healing my heart
For mental peace
Healing of trauma
No depression
A perspective of truth light
A grateful heart of joy
A fresh start
And mercy for all past misunderstandings
That God will help me on His path for me and grant me great strength, fortitude, and transform me for whatever He desires for me -
I ask that you pray for my sister that is suffering from a cyst that is near her pancreasโs. She is hospitalized and it does not look good . I ask that you pray for the family as well.
Thank you and God Bless you all. Amen๐๐พ -
Thank you my God for guiding those managing the Middle East conflicts. Help them to find a permanent peace.
I pray for forgiveness for the hurt that I have caused many other people. Lord Jesus, bless those whom I have caused such distress to.
Pray for my aunt Antonina ๐
Pray for all souls in purgatory ๐
I pray for P&CM on their forthcoming wedding. May they have a long and happy marriage; always supportive of each other. God bless them and their families.
I pray that God bless my womb so that I can conceive an health baby.. Pls bless me and my family
May the mercy of God be shown to AG and PG plus my family and friends departed. May they Rest In Peace with the Angels and Saints forever in heaven.
I pray my family will reconcile their differences, be friends and seek only peace between each other. Lord our God, guide them in their weakness. Amen.
I pray for MA, BA and AA. May they come to understand that Jesus loves and cares for them. He will never depart from them. He loves them.
I pray for healing of my family and I ask Our Lady and St. Bernadette for a special favour for my brother on her Feast day April 16th
Dear Lord, please protect my family from sickness and harm. Please keep them happy and good in finances. Make them stronger as a family for I will be strong, too. Our lady of Remedies, I ask for your help to show me your unwavering support in all the endeavors that I will be doing. All of these, I ask, In Jesus name, I pray, Amen.
Can you pray for the happy repose of Jim our father. May he rest in peace. please also pray for his family and friends suffering his great loss and for all souls in purgatory. May all Rest in Peace.
Peace in all our countries at war; the needless fighting, the broken hearts, the killed children.
I pray the Gaza, Israel, iran… will end at this point; no more bombs and bullets. Lord have mercy on the many suffering families. Amen.
Please pray that St. Joseph, patron saint of house sales, blesses and helps sell my mother’s house. That the new owners will be blessed and happy. And for family unity during this stressful process. Also, please pray for my mother’s soul (Rosaria F.) who died on Ash Wednesday. As well as, my dad’s soul and that of other deceased relatives/friends of the family and those in Purgatory who have no one to pray for them. Thank you and God Bless! In Jesus’ loving name, I pray. Amen. Jesus, I trust in you.
Just for today, I pray children will see and hear only good, kindness and love in their life. Thank you Jesus, Mary and Joseph.
I pray for those whose lives were tragically taken from them in the Sydney Shopping Mall yesterday, mothers, fathers and children. Blessed Mary comfort the injured and families. Jesus have mercy.
Please pray and intercede for Gregory. Gregory was struck down by Chronic Fatigue Syndrome 30 years ago. He was unable to maintain social contacts. Thus, he has no friends. He was a loving, caring, sincere and constant companion to his beloved mother. She died some 10 years ago.
Dear Lord, I pray for our youngest daughter Mary Cate, that you will heal her body and enable her to have children. Please, your will not mine, dear Jesus.
Please pray for my wife who is undergoing a major operation today. Keep her safe my God. Amen
Sacred Heart of Jesus, forgive us our sins, give us the strength to hold out our hand of peace especially to our families.
I earnestly pray for peace in the Middle East; let’s not have another wider and greater war. Lord Jesus look favourably upon my request. Amen.
Please pray for my abdomen to be healed completely from gastric issues also the same when my sister Delareen, for my husband and me to be together, we live in different countries since am not getting a job in the same country. For good health of Edison, Deborah, Deirdre,Malone, Imran, Delareen and Anston. For any kind of bondages to be removed.
I pray for my Granddaughter Arieana. That she will come to your refuge and you shelter her against the attacks of the devil. Protect her, O Lord, from the craftinesses of the enemy, and save her from his plots. That Arieana carry in her heart a great hope and make her strong and pure so that she can build her tomorrow with confidence. Let her receive freely the gift of faith, accept it with gratitude, and develop it with generosity.
Please pray for my uncle Michael who passed away nine years ago that he entered the gate of heaven and all souls in purgatory may enter of heaven
Lord Jesus, I pray, welcome the many who died in the boat disaster off Mozambique into your Kingdom. Support their families and guide us in better ways to overcome disease and poverty.
I lift up my son who lives in anxiety and depression and chooses not to return to his Catholic faith. I ask your intercession ๐
I pray for AA, suffering in hospital following a serious accident. Lord Jesus come to her aid, restore her to good health. Amen.
I pray for my son, Jason, who lives in anxiety and depression. He left his Catholic faith and has turned to drugs and alcohol for comfort. Please intercede for him๐๐๐
May the Risen Jesus comfort my mother, father, family and friends in their death. Have mercy on them Lord.
I pray that Jesus may heal me from all my ailments so that i may go back to walking and eating and moving normal. I also pray that my anxiety and depression go away and that my faith in Jesus will grow, and that my sins be forgiven. I also pray that the Holy spirit will give me wisdom and discernment and keep me from sin and will keep my family and friends protected. And that there be a ceasefire and for all of my friends in Gaza that they may know peace and relief from war.
Please pray for Chance, Jeffrey and Kyle, these three men are on trial… Please Lord Jesus save these 3 men. They were doing their due diligence. Help them be set free. St. Jude I ask you for a miracle for these men and their futures. Please come Holy Spirit grant all 3 freedom. Amen
I pray for healing of my brother Edgar Jr., physically, emotionally, spiritually. Also my sister Maria not to give up on caring for Edgar.
Jesus, Mary and Joseph, answer the cries of the many suffering the dire effects of wars throughout the world. Open the hearts of the aggressors. Grant peace to the world.
May the souls of JN, PD JM BD… and all my family and friends departed Rest In Peace. Angels and Saints come to their aid.
Please pray that St. Joseph, patron saint of house sales, blesses and helps sell my mother’s house on Long Island, NY quickly… That the new owners will be blessed and happy in their new home. And for family unity during this stressful process.
Also, please pray for my mother’s soul (Rosaria F.) who died on Ash Wednesday. As well as, my dad’s soul and that of other deceased relatives/friends of the family and those in Purgatory who have no one to pray for them. Thank you and God Bless!
Saint Joseph, Saint Michael, God the Father, Jesus Christ my Lord and Savior, the Holy Spirit, Blessed Virgin Mary and all the angels and saints and good people of this earth, please answer my prayers.In Jesus’ loving name, I pray. Amen. Jesus, I trust in you.
I pray to Jesus for help to drop 20lbs in weight to improve my health and wellbeing and to be a good Steward of supervision for 20 people. Amen.
Have mercy on JG’s soul
May he rest in peace with the Lord Amen -
May God look with compassion on my prayer to help me decide how I should proceed in my life and avoid sin. Lord have mercy.
I pray for the world environment. Help us to take better care of it. Amen.
Thank you Lord on the safe birth of my baby girl. Thank you, love you.
Pls pray for my son Aaron .He is answering his exams pray to get a got result .
Pope Francis’ Intentions – April 2024: Let us pray that the dignity and worth of women be recognized in every culture, and for an end to the discrimination they face in various parts of the world.
Father forgive me my sins, save me from the fires of hell, lead all poor suffering souls to heaven especially, those in most need of your mercy. Amen.
God our Father in Heaven, I pray for the continued good health of my family and myself. Keep us safe from harm. Thank you my God.
Thank you Jesus for your great sacrifice and rising from among the dead. May we also be raised to new and everlasting life with you in turn.
I beg you Lord God, have mercy on the homeless this Easter. Guide them to a safe home with food and work. Amen.
May the Lord’s Easter light shine on my family, friends and the world especially the suffering this Easter Sunday. Thank you our God.
Enter Father I offer You the wounds of our Lord Jesus Christ to heal the wounds of our soul. For all who struggling in life and in lighting them with the Holy Sprit.
For the happy repose of the souls of PD, BD, M, J, W, and all my family and friends, I pray; may they rest happily in heaven forever. Amen.
As Mary awaited the resurrection of Jesus, I pray for the resurrection of my many family and friends who have passed away. God have mercy on them and the whole world.
I pray for the 45 men, women and children killed in a bus accident in Botswana while on their way to an Easter Service. God have mercy on their souls. Amen
Help those whom I have hurt Lord Jesus. Amen.
For those who don’t have a “Supper” tonight or have a “Last Supper” tonight, I earnestly pray. Thank you Jesus for your Last Supper; your great sacrifice, in Holy Communion I will meet you again. Amen.
Please pray for my husband, that he gets steady work. Please pray for my son, he is getting a test tomorrow, please let the test go well. Please pray for my family, that a door is opened for us. Thank you Lord Jesus.
I pray for all workers, that they will return safely to their families at the end of this working day.
I thank you my God for the warm bed and food from a good friend yesterday. It was very comforting. Thank you Jesus.
Please pray for myself. That I will be successful in my studies and find work this summer and a place to rent. Thank you to all who pray for me. Thank you for your help. Thank you, Angels and Saints.
I pray my partners treatment will give her renewed good health and I pray for all who presently support her through this difficulty; family, friends and health workers. Amen.
Have mercy on FJ’s soul. May he Rest in Peace forever. Amen.
I pray for the many poor people gunned down without reason in Russian Theatre. I pray God will have received them into his beautiful heaven. God have Mercy.
I pray for healing and peace after being assaulted from domestic violence. I am also praying for my finances. I hope to start a new with this Easter Season.
I pray for God’s guidance as I approach Easter and venture into a new life in a new place with new work. While I know this is a great blessing, it’s also scary.
I pray for the people of Haiti. May peace descend on their country and within their homes. Lord, Have mercy on them.
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