Lord Jesus, look kindly on my work and the work of my friends today.

Help us in our difficulties and decisions.
May this candle be a light for you to enlighten me. May it be a fire for you to burn out of me all pride, selfishness and impurity. May it be a flame for you to bring warmth into my heart; warmth towards my family, my neighbours and all whom I meet.
~~~ ~~~ ~~~
Jesus, through the hands of Mary, Virgin and Mother, I place in your care, this, my special intention… (Share your request…)
By sharing this candle, I wish to give you something of myself; the love in my heart.
Jesus, help me to live close to you in prayer today.
… Thank You, Jesus. Amen. …
Prayer Request Box
Note: Prayer intentions of site users, are automatically included in our Daily Novena and regular Masses.
To submit a written request, turn it into a prayer for our Prayer Group, “I pray …“, using the “Leave a Reply” box below. (Max of 25 Words. Next day publication.)
Ideas: 100 Things to Pray for…
Recent Requests:
Remember PW, CW, JM, GM, BD, PD, IR and all my friends and relatives in your prayers.
Maybe the new Ukranian offensive can be avoided, peace agreed and many thousands of lives saved. let’s pray.
Add teachers to your prayers as they educate our children, our future leaders.
Pray for Sarah and her family. May they feel loved.
Keep the many lost, hungry and suffering children throughout the world in your daily prayers.
Your prayers for Pope Francis please. That he will be restored to good health. You help St Joseph.
Keep my wife PD in your prayers as she undergoes an operation today, to be followed by weeks of rehabilitation. Thank you.
Pray for AP, DP, MJ and their families. Thank you.
Tina Turner – Rest in Peace surrounded by the music of harmony and love for all eternity.
Keep those without work and unable to find work in your prayers. Jesus, Lord, be my guide.
Tina Turner, a great favourite of mine, brought many a moment of happiness. May she rest in peace.
Pray for my children HT, MT, RT and CT. May they grow up to always respect and help others as good christians.
Thank you for your help Almighty One. I will always remember your special graces given to me.
Prayers do work; peace is holding at least for a few days in Sudan. Thank you God Our Father.
Include those who pray unceasingly for everyone else but themselves. Be kind to them Lord.
Climate change is real but not all want to react, change their ways. Pray we will listen.
Include my stressed doctor in your prayers. He is kind hearted but very busy.
Keep the old and lonely in your prayers. May they find peace and happiness.
Please pray for the speedy recovery of my sister HY. Return her safely to her family Lord.
Pray Jesus will help my sick child; taking her back to good health.
Japan World Leaders: Pray nuclear weapons will never be used again on our own people.
As world leaders meet in Japan, pray for all the Hiroshima and Nagasaki victims of the atomic bombs. Have Mercy Father.
Have mercy Lord Jesus, on all suffering in any way from climate change. Save us Lord.
Pray for the suffering souls in purgatory pls. Thank you.
Pray for the happiness of all little children.
Include my mother, father and their parents in your prayers. May the be enjoying eternal happiness.
May the world leaders now meeting in Japan, seek to find true peace throughout the world. Thank you.
I pray that my new job will be a success and all past employment hurts will be solved and forgotten. Thank you my God.
Pray I will find love and marriage.
May world leaders work together to save our world from being destroyed.
Can you pray that I will make my parents happy and do well in school. My thanks.
The people affected by world flooding including Myanmar and Italy. God our father have mercy.
My family WP, IG, IB, and FF; pray for them please. Thank you.
Lord help those living in darkness to see good, to see your promises.
Myanmar, pray for the many killed and the sufffering following the latest typhoon. God have mercy on all.
Will you pray for my friends return to good health please? FPB, PD CM, FAR, PIH AF.
Help young people through your prayers who lost their way and are unable to find a way back to doing good.
Pray for those in financial difficulties, unable to shop for basics. Help the poor Lord
Remember those troubld by everyday worries in your prayers please? God bless all of us.
Don’t forget our trapped people in war zones. Have mercy on all God.
Include in your prayers please, B, P, A, J, J, M, J, F, M, P, RP, LP, and all forgotten others.
Our beautiful world has many man-made problems. Pray for us and God bless us.
Keep my family in your prayers especially AN. Thank you.
Pray for PD CM and all who are sick. May they be free from pain and soon recover.
Ask God to help and guide my family and neighbours through their present difficulties.
May peace come among us; to our world of wars, to our family homes.
I want to celebrate with Jesus our good health but pray for those suffering, in pain, and waithing for help.
Keep missing children in your prayers please. There are many thousands abused and exploited throughout the world.
Add PW, BPD, MMS, PS and FsS to your prayers please. May they Rest In Peace with the Holy Family.
As my children stress over their coming exams, pray for all children suffering the same. Let them be happy.
Pray for all parents that they will share Jesus’ teachings with their children.
I ask you to pray for the happy repose of the soul of PBD and the return of good health to PD. Thank you.
Glory to You, God the Father. Glory to the Trinity.
Peace in Pakistan also. Grant the grace of restraint and common sense to all at this very stressful time.
Thank you Father for your love and many graces. Thank You.
As we watch and hear about the many migrants trying to move to other countries, let’s pray for a better understanding.
Pray for those addicted and their life controlled by drugs. Have mercy Lord. Amen
God in heaven, have mercy on those whose life is in the control of drugs. Help them through their addiction. Amen father.
Thank you St Joseph for protecting Pope Francis throughout his recent and successful visit to Hungary.
Pray for me and my friends as our end of year exams approach. May we all pass and be happy together.
Pray for Pope Francis as he continues his determination to deal with Church abusers and pray for the abused.
Pray for the poor, the many people struggling for a little daily food.
Join me in thanking the young Philippine couple returning home from working in Japan who stopped to help me safely to the bus terminal. Thank you
Thank you God for bringing my journey to a safe end. Thanks also to the very generous people who helped me.
There are millions of refugees hoping to live in more prosperous countries. Pray for equality and peace; not borders and greed.
Pray for all the suffering souls in purgatory. Have mercy on them Lord Jesus. Thank you.
Can you hold AP and her family in your prayers please? Always difficult times.
Pray for those with no home and live on the streets of our cities and towns.
Pray for Nicole that she past her test with accuracy and trueness.
Pray for the suffering Texas parents, families who mourne the loss of their dear children and friends today. Have mercy God.
Thank you God my Father for your great blessing of renewed good health. Glory to You on High.
Pray for my friend JC who is very ill and suffering greatly. Be merciful Lord God.
Pray for good animal care and welfare in all homes, farms and all animal centers.
Pray the Ukranian war will end without yet more fighting. Pray for peace. Thank you Jesus
Can you pray for MMC, UN, MR, and all who have been hurt. Grant them a little extra love Lord.
Pray for those who haven’t heard about Jesus’ sacrifice for us. Lord Jesus: Hear our prayer.
Include my best friend in your prayers tomorrow as she gets married to her childhood sweetheart. Wishing them everlasting love.
God our Father, have mercy on the souls in purgatory. Relieve them of their suffering. Grant them your happiness.
Pray for all who are hospitalised, the sick, their carers, nurses, doctors and their families. Jesus have mercy on all.
Thank you for all your prayers. May God reward us with His gifts of love, peace and eternal happiness.
Keep the millions of refugees whom our world doesn’t want in your prayers. God have Mercy.
I pray King Charles will be a good King for his Commonwealth countries and their people. God Bless us all.
Thank you God, for keeping SL safe today; millimetres from being the victim of a road accident.
Please pray for the victims of yet another callous gun crime in the US and the families and community.
Let’s pray for those who yearn to be Mothers and Fathers. May their dreams come true.
Pray that we will do much more to protect our beautiful world, the land, sea and air.
Pray for our Priests and Religious. Bring them peace and happiness as they go about their community, meeting their people.
Pray for my friends who travel abroad today. Lord, keep them safe.
For the healing of tita ana, tito boy and kuya gino.
Pray for the soul of my good friend JL. May he rest in peace forever.
Send your birthday blessings to MA and FA today please Lord Jesus. Thank you for your kindness.
Pray for suffering children, all over the world. Thank you Jesus for our comforts.
Send the angels and saints to meet TM as he ends this life and passes to his next. RIP.
Keep my family in your prayers as we mourne the loss of a life-long friend. BRD. Rest in Peace.
Pray for the suffering people in purgatory. Have mercy on them Holy Father and take them to your paradise in heaven.
Pray to heal Viola Cleo brain cancer, sleep disorder, emotional trauma, grief, loss, loneliness, with millions of angels and archangel Pahalia, lift up Magdalena heal her mind from a stroke, mind…
Pray for my little sister Amy. She’s sick in hospital. Thank you.
God our Father, have mercy on all those in war zones across the world. Have Mercy Lord.
Have mercy Lord Jesus on the soul of Anthony, a Father and Grandfather. May he Rest In Peace.
Pray for family and friends as they prepare for their long journey home from Sudan. Amen God.
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