Daily Prayers

Prayer is Love, I want to Love

Tag: Meditation

  • Short Stories And Reflections

    A selection of 60+ short fictional and non-fictional stories with guided personal reflections.

  • Francis of Assisi

    Multiple prayers by St Francis of Assisi: Peace, Self-giving, Praise God, My God and My All, Praises, Daily Prayer, Vocation, Blessed Sacrament, Mother of God, Thanksgiving, Before a Crucifix, Canticle of creatures and Blessings.

  • 11th January: Blessed William Carter

    Featured Person: Blessed William Carter (1548 – 1584) Blessed William Carter was born in London and executed – hung, drawn and quartered – at Tyburn, London. It was a merciless and public death. Following an early printing apprenticeship, he set up his own printing business. He was first imprisoned for publishing some general Catholic documents. Then…

  • 28th February: Blessed Daniel Brottier

    Featured Person: Blessed Daniel Brottier (1876-1936) Blessed Daniel was born in La Ferte-Saint-Cyr, France. Family accounts suggest that from a very early age, Daniel sought a priestly vocation. Although he at first became a teacher, he was ‘restless’ and ‘determined to be a missionary’.  His wish was granted and, his Priestly service took him to…

  • 7th February: St Colette

    Featured Saint: St Colette (1381-1447) St Colette was born into a poor family in Corbie, France. It is said that her aged parents prayed to St Nicolas for a child and, through his intercession, at 60yrs, her mother Marguerite gave birth to Colette. After her parent’s death, St Colette aged 19yrs, firstly joined a lay…

  • 4th February: St Joseph of Leonessa

    Featured Saint: St Joseph of Leonessa (1556-1612) Joseph was born in Leonessa, Italy. In his childhood, it is said that he regularly built small altars and grottos at which he prayed and invited his friends. Although expected to get married, after recovering from a serious illness, he instead joined the Franciscian Order; he was 16yrs old. Aged 31,…

  • 1st February: St Bridget of Ireland

    Featured Saint: Bridget of Ireland: (ca 453-524) Bridget is one of Irelands best known Saints, along with St Patrick and St Columba. She is sometimes known as Bridget of Kildare. As with most early Church Saints, written records about her are limited and incomplete. From birth, Bridget was believed to have been especially blessed and numerous…

  • 30th January: St Aldegonde

    Featured Saint: St Aldegonde (ca. 639-684) St Aldegonde chose a cloistered life, becoming a French Benedictine Abbess. She set up a small hospital on the banks of the River Sambre at Malbode, on whose waters she is said to have miraculously walked. The hospital later became the famous Maubeuge Abbey. St Aldegonde, at around 44yrs,…

  • 29th January: St Gildas the Wise

    Featured Saint: St Gildas The Wise (500-570) St Gildas was born, the son of a Royal, in Scotland on the banks of the Clyde. He received a monastic education and choose to forsake his royal heritage for life as a Monk. He became a greatly respected teacher, converted many to Christianity and established numerous Churches and Monasteries across…

  • 28th January: St Thomas Aquinas

    Featured Saint: St Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274) St Thomas Aquinas was born into a wealthy family in Roccasecca, Italy. He joined the Dominicans and studied at The University of Paris. Thereafter, he taught as Professor and held other noted positions in various institutions. St Thomas Aquinas was a distinguished and immensely influential theologian and Doctor of the…