Daily Prayers

Prayer is Love, I want to Love

Tag: Guardian Angel

  • Safe Travel

    Prayers for Daily Protection and Motorists; to St Christopher and the Angels. – O Almighty and Merciful God, You commissioned Thy angels to guide and protect us, command them to be our companions from our setting out until our return…

  • Happy Death – Guardian Angel

    In the Name of the Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, I, a poor, unhappy sinner, make this solemn declaration before thee, O beloved Angel, who has been given me as a protector by the Divine Majesty: I desire to die in the Faith which the Holy, Roman and Apostolic Church adheres to…

  • An Angel In Your Pocket

    I am a tiny angel, I’m smaller than your thumb; I live in people’s pockets, that’s where I have my fun. I don’t suppose you’ve seen me, I’m too tiny to detect; Though I’m with you all the time, I doubt we’ve ever met…

  • Charles Borromeo

    Almighty God: Almighty God, you have generously made known to man the mysteries… My Guardian Angel for a Happy Death: In the Name of the Most Holy Trinity Father, Son and Holy Spirit, I, a poor, unhappy sinner, make this solemn declaration before thee, O beloved Angel, who has been given me as a protector…

  • Guardian Angel

    O Angel of God, my Guardian dear, to whom God’s love, commits you here. Ever this day/night be at my side, to light and guard, to rule and guide. Amen.

  • Our Guardian Angel

    O Holy Angel, God by His goodness and His tender care, has charged you to be my Guardian. Assist me in my needs, comfort me in my afflictions, support me when I am discouraged and obtain for me the favour of: (Share your request…)